Donovan and some other youngsters, indentified by the Jedi Council as showing promise to one day become knighted into the order, gathered at our humble dwelling this past Saturday for some training. Among other activities, they assembled and personalized their own light sabers, and then went through a rigorous basic Jedi training camp, summersaulting, bounding over obstacles and practicing with their weapons.
We were then surprised by the appearance of a powerful Sith lord, who foolishly entered the Jedi camp.
"You don't know the power of the Dark Side...."
Unfazed, the Jedi recruits charged and beat the snot out of Vader, clobbering him into retreat.
Post combat, the young Jedis replenished their energy by devouring some cake in the shape of the Death Star, and then used their light sabers to beat the candy out of a pi~ata, in the shape of Darth Vader's head (of course). Everyone had a pretty good time. No injuries, no casualties. Peace in the universe was restored.
The day was still not over for me, as I still found myself having to wrestle mexican lucha-libre legend Huracan Ramirez himself.