Sunday, April 28, 2013

Donovan's first race of 2013

It is the end of April, and here in Seattle, it usually means we are starting to move out of the cold and into nicer weather. It also means the Top Pot Donuts Kids Dash is upon us. As has been the tradition for the last 3 (4?) years, Donovan was ready to get his running shoes on, and try out his early-season form.

Once again, he had a big smile as he rounded the last corner at full speed and headed for the finish.

I still love the picture below, when at 6yrs old, he lined up in front of all the older kids, unfazed by the difference in size. Must be in his mexican genes....

At the end of the race he got to hang out with some his buddies from school as well as his buddies Neala and Kyla, so he got to experience the 'camaraderie thru sport' aspect of these things.
He also high-fived these two storm troopers, whom I assume had just ran the 5k... in any case, a good reminder that having fun is very important, and not to take things too seriously....

All in all, a cool start to his 2013 season. :-)

Monday, April 15, 2013