Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 Team Ramirez Race Schedule

Team Management sat down with me, and this is what we came up for the season:

Oceanside 70.3----------------------March 27
Subaru Shawnigan Half Ironman--May 31
Ironman Coeur d'Alene-------------June 27
ChelanMan Half Ironman-----------July 17
Vashon Island Olympic--------------July 25
Troika Half Ironman----------------August 1
Lake Stevens 70.3------------------August 15
Ironman Canada---------------------August 29
Cancun 70.3--------------------------September 19
Ironman AZ or FL--------------------November

The directeur sportif wanted the team to race a full schedule this year. There will also be a few run races sprinkled in for good measure. A couple of the half IMs and smaller events are tentative at this point, but that is the jist of it.

Here. We. Go.....

1 comment:

Michael Ward said...

JC - it's Team Ward. I was talking to our local contact for home stays and she asked if I was interested again. I of course said yes, but wanted to give you the first right of refusal. We would love to have you stay with us again if that works into your plans. Let me know what you think...looks like the family is doing great and Big D is getting bigger :)