Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oceanside 70.3 - 25th MPro

The hug from the team makes it all worthwhile :o)

Man, what a tough race! I was talking afterwards with Michael Raelert, and while he won, he agreed with me: Between the hills, head & cross winds, and heat, this is one tough course. The bike was tougher than I expected. The run was not as easy as it looks on paper. Tim DeBoom ran less than 2 minutes faster than me. I feel pretty good about that. I gave it all I had on the day and learned a few things along the way:

*A half IM swim in 58-59F water is not as bad as I thought. Keep working the swim, not bad for a first wetsuit swim in 6months.
*Transition faster.
*Review the powerfile and see where you could have metered the watts better, I had a hard time holding good power in the last 15mi.
*Transition faster. C'mon, it's a race, what were you doing?
*Trust your run and keep it steady, let go of your ego. I should have stayed put at the comfortable 5:45pace I was running, instead of reacting to faster race action around me. It would have translated into a faster run split than the 6:13 average pace I posted. Race & learn.

Here are some other images:

This is the front end of the Triad, ready to roll. Photo by Aaron Hersh

Just get me home...

Thanks to my awesome family and my sponsors: Blue Seventy, NUUN, Blue Cycles, Oomph! and Corpore Sano.

More later, it's time for a beer.



Unknown said...

Very nice race JC! That is one tough course! Way to hang tough. Pedro

Hough said...

Great way to start the season!
Ps- the heat?

JC said...

75F felt pretty hot b/c Seattle is still in the 40-50F's. It's all relative, I suppose....