Monday, August 16, 2010

Lake Stevens 70.3 - 21st MPro

The last big hard workout leading to Canada is done. I really wanted to do more at this race, but I encountered 2 big hurdles:

Hurdle 1)The AIR temperature, combined with the water temperature- After warming up, they pulled us out of the water for what seemed like an eternity. So there we were, shivering in the 50F air, soaked to the bone, teeth chattering, shivering and shaking. The RD banned us from using wetsuits, by 0.2degrees. Really? You kidding me? Great judgment call on that one, sir... "So what? Cowboy up, man!" I did, and it made for a miserable first 1.5hrs of racing. By the time I finally stopped shivering, was keeping my nutrition down and could turn the pedals without being in pain, I had been blown out the back and was dead last, way back after the worst swim ever.


Hurdle 2) My body was/is still recovering from last weekend's leg-pounding. My goal was to clock 1:18 on this course, and I was on target at mile 10, just under 60minutes. I then came unglued in the last 3miles. I managed to get past a few of the guys who were fading, and was very happy to get across the mat. Afterwards, I sat down in a shaddy spot at the finish while Donovan poured water bottles over my head.

Happy to get the running legs going...

I would like to thank my kick-ass sponsors who were out on the course, being super vocal- Mike and Shawn from Blue Seventy; Jon from Blue Cycles; Wes from Potentrx; Scott from Nuun and Robert from 1st Endurance where there in spirit. To Theresa & Donovan, thanks for putting up with another really early morning and a long day at the races.

Outstanding job by 8th place Guy Crawford, who's been racking up some awesome races around the globe. Great job as well by my buddy Michael "Mo Powah" Gordon, who finished 20th. I think he was getting back at me for 'beating' him at Boise. He too was just working out. Now let's see how Canada treats us both.

It's taper time. The work is done. Let's see what kind of ROI we get in 2 weeks.

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