I feel I came up with some marked improvements this season, but was not able to put it together on the big shows. The PotentrX team will be helping me train smarter to be able to make that good training translate to good racing. I will listen intently to what Dan has to say, see what it is that I am missing, so that I can do as Donovan says in the photo below.
I want to thank my awesome sponsors, Blue Seventy, Nuun, Blue Cycles, 1st Endurance and Potentrx, for being there for us and making racing possible. To my awesome family and friends, thanks for the support, and understanding (and baby-sitting!). We'll be back stronger and more determined!
And so I leave you with a nice sunset view from our home, as the summer ends in the PNW and we get ready for what looks to be another character-building fall and winter.
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