Monday, January 31, 2011

Windy + Cold = Just another day.

Life's been on cruise control for a while now, just doing the routine. Other working parents with an endurance sport alter ego can probably relate to what I mean. In the last few weeks I've hit old man status, with a birthday that put me at 37, and though I don't feel old, that number definitely lands me in the grown-ups group.

As part of our typical 'weekend routine', Donovan and I made and devoured hotcakes and waffles, and went splashing at his favorite pool. Lately he's into spending more time underwater than above, which leaves me sitting down in knee-deep water while the little fish gets his fill of exploring the bottom of the pool.

I went out riding long yesterday in what was, IMHO, a very cold and windy day here in Seattle. How cold? A couple snowflakes stung my face on the way home. I was glad to hit a warm shower afterwards. Another good day of low carbo training at ~60kcals/hr with EFS Drink, given I was hovering btwn a Zone 2-3 effort due to the strong wind.

Monday, here we come.

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