Friday, April 8, 2011

Slight niggle...

Ugh. Injuries or sickness are always hard to deal with. I think minor injuries are harder than being sick, b/c when sick, at least you feel your entire body hurting and your mind knows it is down-time, but with a minor injury, it is just plain annoying.

I got one of those annoying injuries, around the 3-4 metatarsal aread of my left foot. It bugs specially b/c I literally have no idea why it happened. Changed biomechanics? No. Worn out shoes? Perhaps, but did all my pairs suddenly break? Too much, too fast efforts? Hardly. Well. Whatever. Time to lay off the running, concentrate in the water and on the bike, and rethink some races.

Donovan's been a little sickley. As a parent it just tears you up inside when your little one can't sleep and is all snotty, and coughing. Ugh. And more ugh.

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