Been procrastinating writing a blog thanks to keeping busy with a good and final build for IMC, and a fantastic week-long family vacation we had at Lake Chelan, WA. Man, is that place beautiful!
It is very much like Penticton, in terms of big mountains, big lakes, just an awesome playground. I will say, Lake Chelan is the nicest body of water I have ever been in. It really makes Lake Washington here in Seattle seem like an overgrown, murky petri dish.
Moonrise over the coolest open water pool, seen from backyard. |
I got to experience what it must be like to be a non-working, full-time pro, focusing on training & recovery. I actually had to watch how much I was training, as putting in the hours was very easy, and afterall, I was smack in the middle of tapering.
"Hey Donovan, can we go slower? This is WAY over race pace..." |
Donovan had a blast- We played mini golf, rode our bikes, swam in the pools and in the lake, made sand castles, went to a water park. He would continuously ask if we could just live there. After a weeks' time, we made it back, with recharged batteries, looking forward to one last summer trip up to Canada for some racing this coming Sunday, and then getting ready for kindergarten... fast times....