Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh Canada....

We made it safe and sound to Canada, after a scorching hot day in the van. It was 105F at the border!That's it, I am getting a quote on recharging the AC in the van! Woah... Along those same lines, I always wish it was hotter at races. Well, this time I got my wish come true. Let's just hope the temperature gradient between Seattle and here doesn't prove too much, too quickly.

Donovan got a chance to get into Skaha Lake, just minutes from our friends' house. A good idea given how crazy hot it was today. He also played at a park with water-spraying features. As always, he has a good time anywhere we go.

I'm getting used to playgrounds with big lakes in the background....

After a not-so good nite of sleep, I got my act together and headed on out for the organized 'social ride'.  I learned the draw of freebies is powerful, and as such, only 3 of us showed up. S'all good.... 1st, 16th, and 25th in 2010. Let's see what we can do this hot year.

Canada, Ukraine, and Mexico.... representin'
More soon.

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