week 5: 14mi
week 4: 17mi
week 3: 20mi
week 2-1: taper
This is very aggressive and I do not recommend anyone try this. There were no easy weeks, simply because I did not have time in the calendar to fit them in. The above long runs were interspersed with 80-110mi long rides, as well as 2-4km OW swims during the weeks, on top of all the other s/b/r sessions. A few easier days here and there, but really it was go-go-go time... I imagine it would be like climbing Mt. Rainier, going up, up, up.... all the way to the top...
the week 3 run was the key marker for me. I got lucky I was able to do it in conditions as close I can get in Seattle to race day: 84F heat, in the middle of a hot/sunny day, with my actual race-day nutrition. It was a very solid run, averaging 6:2X's for the distance, except for a few miles where hills showed up, and I was going a little slower/faster. My body has held together, and I feel like I am ready to race.
It is now week 2, time to decide: Challenge Penticton or Ironman Whistler?
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