Monday, January 31, 2011

Windy + Cold = Just another day.

Life's been on cruise control for a while now, just doing the routine. Other working parents with an endurance sport alter ego can probably relate to what I mean. In the last few weeks I've hit old man status, with a birthday that put me at 37, and though I don't feel old, that number definitely lands me in the grown-ups group.

As part of our typical 'weekend routine', Donovan and I made and devoured hotcakes and waffles, and went splashing at his favorite pool. Lately he's into spending more time underwater than above, which leaves me sitting down in knee-deep water while the little fish gets his fill of exploring the bottom of the pool.

I went out riding long yesterday in what was, IMHO, a very cold and windy day here in Seattle. How cold? A couple snowflakes stung my face on the way home. I was glad to hit a warm shower afterwards. Another good day of low carbo training at ~60kcals/hr with EFS Drink, given I was hovering btwn a Zone 2-3 effort due to the strong wind.

Monday, here we come.

Monday, January 10, 2011

JC & Donovan's Awesome Waffles (Gluten free)

I've decided to share with all 2-3 of my readers the recipe for the awesome waffles Donovan and I have one day of every sinlge weekend (the other day we eat hot cakes, and I'm not sure I'm ready to give out that recipe).

Ok, ingredients:

3 eggs
2 cups milk w/ 2tbsp vinegar. We sometimes use Almond milk.
¼ cup oil
3 tbsp agave or maple syrup, or honey

2 cups brown rice flour
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
Cinnamon (I leave this up to Donovan, who goes nuts with the shaker)

How to:
*Fire up the waffle iron. This here is the waffle iron we got. We usually set it on 3.

*In the meantime, mix wet ingredients, mix dry ingredients.
*Pour wet on dry ingredients, mix gently.
*Throw on waffle iron (we use ¼ cup batter per waffle).
*Wait impatiently, fork and knife in hand.
*Pour maple syrup in each little square. Cut. Enjoy.
*Ponder whether inventor of waffles/waffle iron has received nobel prize.

This makes ~18 waffles. I usually eat ~8, and I am well fueled for a workout. If the workout lasts ~1.5-2hrs, I use water+NUUN. Over 2hrs (and depending on the effort), I switch to water+EFS (grape flavor, please). For a while now I’ve been trying out First Endurance’s low carb strategy for my lower intensity sessions.

And when the workout is over, I usually whip out the toaster to have waffle seconds. That’s how we do it at the Ramirez household.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dia de los Reyes Magos

In my primarily-catholic homeland, on January 6th, we put one of our shoes behind the front door in hopes that los Reyes Magos (the three wise men) will stop by and drop off a little something. I was never clear if they were on their way to -OR- from visiting baby Jesus, but it was always something to look forward to after Xmas, the arrival of Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar aboard their elephant, camel and horse. This tradition too is one that I have instilled in my family. So... we placed our shoes, and we all got a little something yesterday morning. Sweet.

This past weekend, on New Year's day, I was talked into going cyclocrossing on mtb trails, on frozen mud and snow. It was fun, and cold. I was surprised the tires tracked so well on the terrain, and managed to fall only a couple times, loosing grip on ridiculously steep grades my mtb buddy made me go up. I only managed a couple pictures, this one from a park we rode to take a quick break.

Puget Sound, Olympic Mountains in the background.