Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long weekend of training

Whew... 3-day weekends, specially around this time, mean lots of hours of working hard. This one was no exception. Saturday and Sunday were both long/hard brick days, Monday was build day, which totally kicked my butt. I had help from Theresa and we basically spent all day Monday building this:

The structure was given to us by a neighbor. One trip to Home Depot, lots of drilling, sawing, wrenching, lifting... The end result? One very happy 5yr old, two very tired and sore parents. Who knew re-building and retrofitting one of these was such hard work???

back to training.


thevioletpear said...

nice compost bin! we were already on it at 8am this morning :)

thevioletpear said...

the structure that is. not the compost bin :)