Saturday, December 15, 2012


I have been hesitant to publicly write my thoughts in the wake of the events last Friday. Mostly b/c I was really mad. I still am. Hell, this is my little blog and I can write whatever the heck I went. Nobody reads it anyway. So here is what I think-

I am not going to try to wrestle with the mental aspect of this tragedy. I am ignorant of how a person's mind and decisions go from A to where this guy went. Boggles my mind.

Guns. Illegal. Period. It is the one thing I really dislike of the US. I'm sure I would get an earful from the hunting/target shooting enthusiasts I know. And I don't care. The 'guns don't kill people' argument is stupid. There. Said it. Take my homeland- Drug people getting decapitated? Cartel associates' bodies piled high inside (choice of vehicle), or broken & packed into concrete-filled drums? Check and check. Cars driving by, spaying homes with automatic fire? Sure, happened around the corner from my house. Drug family members targeted with car bombs? Check, saw the lovely aftermath of one of those. Large number of innocent casualties? Yep, check, just look at the statistics. Young children shot at school? Uh...wait... what? WHO targets kids? WTFF!? C'mon... For all the truly brutal crimes that happen in Mexico, this type of atrocity does not happen. There are no metal detectors or armed guards at schools. Heck, there are no "Gun-free zone" signs at schools. I'm not saying it's not dangerous, and sure, criminals probably have it (very) easy getting their hands on something that goes BANG!. My point is fire arms should not be ready to be had from your parents' closet for when u decide to loose your marbles.  And I would be foolish to pretend some parents I knew didn't own guns back then, mostly obtained illegally and for the sake of safety. Still, with that violent of a platform, this is unheard of in a struggling 2nd world country. You tell me-How does this take place in the US? 

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