Over these last few days, I have managed to get some workouts in here and there, nothing fancy, just enough to keep the body moving and sweating out all the wine I've been partaking in.
Wishing you all a great 2011. Thanks for reading.
I participated in another cyclocross race yesterday, just ~15minutes from my house. I rather say 'participated' than 'raced' because I'm doing it for fun. Oh, I still race it as hard as I can, but I'm just lucky to avoid trees and stay upright. Yesterday was a lesson in some of the finer cx details, like "tire and air pressure selection." At least that's what I heard people talk about, it's not like I have tireS -plural- to choose from, or a good idea of what they were talking about... I guess that's why I drew some chuckles when in response to "Which tires did you run?" I said, "Uh, the only ones I got..."
Photo by Ann Marije-Rook, The Ballard Tribune
I slipped around a whole lot in the mud, and managed to stay upright more than I should have. I found I was able to ride through most of the really sticky parts. Then again, I likely would have been able to run faster through some of those sections, but what do I know? Maybe I'll try that next time. To make matters worse, er.. 'more fun,' it must have been like 120 guys or more in the Cat 4 race tearing up the ground. Woah.
Photo by Michael O'Leary, The Everett Herald
You want to really get going and stay strong next time you race in the mud? Mix a shot of Pre-Race with one scoop of EFS and let your legs do the talking. Oh yeah, the First Endurance line is not just limited for use in triathlon.
Not a whole lot else to report at this time. Stay healthy. Stay upright. Enjoy the fall.
Please don't hit the boulder, please don't hit the boulder...
Sunday was Halloween, and it was awesome. Donovan was Darth Vader (once again). I was Green Lantern. We had a cool get-together at our house, with yummy food, festive costumes and lots of trick-or-treaters. Donovan and I were out ringing doorbells until he could no longer carry his pumpkin full of candy and begged to be carried home. It was a lot of fun.
Feliz dia de las brujas!
Green=power, Red=Heart Rate, Pink=Speed, Purple=Air Temperature
Hurdle 2) My body was/is still recovering from last weekend's leg-pounding. My goal was to clock 1:18 on this course, and I was on target at mile 10, just under 60minutes. I then came unglued in the last 3miles. I managed to get past a few of the guys who were fading, and was very happy to get across the mat. Afterwards, I sat down in a shaddy spot at the finish while Donovan poured water bottles over my head.
Happy to get the running legs going...
I would like to thank my kick-ass sponsors who were out on the course, being super vocal- Mike and Shawn from Blue Seventy; Jon from Blue Cycles; Wes from Potentrx; Scott from Nuun and Robert from 1st Endurance where there in spirit. To Theresa & Donovan, thanks for putting up with another really early morning and a long day at the races.
Outstanding job by 8th place Guy Crawford, who's been racking up some awesome races around the globe. Great job as well by my buddy Michael "Mo Powah" Gordon, who finished 20th. I think he was getting back at me for 'beating' him at Boise. He too was just working out. Now let's see how Canada treats us both.
Photo by Zach Hodgson
Greenlake is still cold (specially with just one latex cap on), and the air temperature was ~50F. When I got done swimming, I was ready for some hot breakfast and coffee. I opened the front door to our house, and was greeted by a delicious aroma and a cheerful Donovan screaming, 'Happy Father's Day! We made you CAKE, Papa!' Not only had they made hot cakes, but also super yum coffee cake. It. Was. Awesome. As the rain started to really come down outside, and we were sitting over the cozy warmth of oven-baked goodies, I was one happy papa....
We are all excited to get going and have a nice little vacation in Idaho, hopefully with nice weather. 4 more cold swims, and a couple more rides and runs before show & tell.
I got a chance to practice my IM race-day nutrition and hydration, composed of First Endurance (Liquid Shot and EFS) and NUUN, while Michael and Kara shared a couple almonds, a fig and some cheetos. Maybe that's the secret to going fast... In any case, I got my fueling strategy down and feel confident with the 4th discipline come race day.
Small and Medium Triads. Can you tell which one is which? Mine is the more aero.
Another solid weekend of training in the books for me. Now a few days of down time, and then it's time for the final build block ending with Boise 70.3, all in preparation for IM Coeur d'Alene.
Thanks Michael and Kara for the long ride!